Sunday School


Ages 1 & 2

Teachers: Ms. Phyllis Parker and Ms. Becky Harkins

Location: Back of the nursery.

Ages 3 & 4

Teachers: Ms. Teressa Flowers

Location: Second floor of the church in room 2


Grades K5 through 2nd Grade

Teacher: Mrs. Rebekah Cherry 

Location: Second floor of the Wilson Center in the second classroom on the right

Grades 3rd through 5th

Teacher: Mrs. Shannon Williams

Location: Second floor of the Wilson Center in the second classroom on the left


Grades 6th through 12th

Teachers: Jimmy and Sarah Aldridge

Location: Second floor of cafeteria in room 206


College, Career, and Young Adults Class (Ages 18 - 25)

Teacher: Bill & Debbie Frazier

Location: Second floor of the sanctuary in room 7

Adult Class (Ages 25 - 55)

Teacher: Troy Perkins

Location: Second floor of the cafeteria in room 204

Adult Class (Ages 25 - 55)

Teacher: Jeff Duncan

Location: Second floor of the cafeteria in room 206

Adult Ladies (Women of all ages)

Teacher: Jodie Stephens

Location: Seffner Christian Academy Media Center

"Young at Heart" (Ages 55 and up)

Teacher: Ron Duncan

Location: Cafeteria across from the church


Senior Ladies

Teacher: Sonnie Southern

Location: In the sanctuary down the left hallway

Senior Adult Class

Teacher: Chuck Beauchamp

Location: Main sanctuary

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

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