The adult ministry exists to draw us together as Kingdom builders in our lives, our homes, our jobs, our community, and our church. We strive to be continually growing in our relationship with Christ through prayer, studying His word, fellowship and service. Joining one of our adult groups is a great way to grow in faith, practice accountability and become stronger disciple for Christ.
Young at Heart
This ministry is open to all adults ages 55 and up. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and establish great friendships. Our Young At Heart ministry is led by Bro. Rocky and Sister Kathy Stanley. The schedule of events will be available as events are planned.
Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary meets once a month here at the church and is led by Sis. Debbie Stanley. This group of ladies is very mission-oriented. They pray for and support many missionaries.
Woman Active for Christ
All of our ladies in the church are invited to participate in this ministry which meets once per month at various members' homes. The WAC meetings include Bible Study, food, fellowship and service opportunities.
Men Ministry
This program is designed to offer all men of the church an opportunity for fellowship and encouragement. Meetings are held at various members' homes and include food, fellowship and a devotional/testimony time.
Men's Prayer Group
Our men meet each Sunday morning at 9:45 am in the Pastor's Office to pray. This is a sweet time of preparing our hearts for the Lord's day as well as praying for specific requests.
Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is a prayer “hot line” ministry that is available to all who have a special need or prayer request. Members are assigned to call one another and inform the prayer group of the particular need. Prayer Chain captain is Doris Powell.
Good Samaritan
This ministry is designed to help those who have a need in any number of areas. Food, clothes, furniture, etc. may be provided, if available, for those who meet the criteria. This ministry is led by Sonnie Southern.
But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous
Luke 14:13-14
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